
I Am Who I Am and that Is More than Good Enough

Written by Dick Rice | Apr 5, 2016 5:30:00 PM

Easter time –the great awakening for Christians –seems like a good time to reflect on the phrase “spiritual awakening” of the 12th step.  Christians believe that Easter is the answer to the questions:  Is this life all that there is?  Is death the end of life?  For Christians, the resurrection of Jesus is the statement that there is a fullness of life waiting for us beyond death.

For 12-steppers there also is a spiritual awakening that is THE result of the steps, not simply a result.  The result is not so much sobriety or even recovery.  It is a Spiritual Awakening. 

But what do we awaken to?  I submit that in the 3rd step we awaken to the awareness of a constant and personal care of the Divine for each of us.  I become aware of how God leads me to a sponsor, to a home group, to the right kind of prayer for me, to the service that is my call at this time. I awaken to the beauty and goodness of everyone and everything around me. 

All is exactly as it is meant to be and I no longer have to try to control or manipulate anyone.  All I have to do is speak my truth and act as I am gracefully moved.  Maybe last of all, I become aware of my own goodness, that I am good and beloved of the One who gives me every breath. 

I have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to regret, nobody to envy.  Like Popeye, I am who I am and that is more than good enough.  I am waking up!