
Carrying the Message of Hope and Recovery.

[fa icon="calendar"] Jul 8, 2015 3:10:49 PM / by John Curtiss


The fifth tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous states that every group of recovering alcoholics has one main purpose and should continue to pass the message of recovery to those that are still suffering from the disease of addiction. Every story that is shared in the rooms of recovery can have some benefit on another still suffering - even if we do not see the immediate results.

Being of service by carrying the messageis one of the most significant yet simplest things we can do to help not only others but ourselves. Carrying the message of recovery constantly reminds us of the path we have taken and the efforts needed to get to the place we are today. It keeps us full of gratitude and hope, which we can then pass along to others in need.

However, carrying the message of recovery cannot only be given to those who seek our help, but should be shared with the entire group so that we may not miss out on opportunities to influence another to keep coming back.  If we can practice this tradition on a daily basis we become aware that our message can change our outlook on life. This change in ourselves can be the mirror of change in others - bringing a new perspective on life, love, and living without drugs and alcohol.

Meditation for the day: Today I will practice this tradition using my higher power to help me carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer.

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Topics: Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism, Recovery, AA meetings, Recovery Program

John Curtiss

Written by John Curtiss

John is President of the Community of Recovering People board of directors and The Retreat. He is one of the principle designers of The Retreat model.

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