
Health and Wellness in Addiction Recovery: 8 Dimensions of Wellness and Their Roles

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 6, 2024 5:11:59 AM / by Staff Blog posted in recovery process, Recovery, Recovery Program

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Recovery is more than breaking free from addiction; it’s about reclaiming a healthier, more balanced life. Wellness in addiction recovery plays a crucial role when the focus is on rebuilding one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Staying sober is not the only solution. Growing and thriving in every aspect of life is also important.

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The 3Ps of Service Work

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 30, 2024 2:55:58 PM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, AA meetings, Volunteering

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In my volunteer work with a local service entity, I occasionally will have a volunteer come to me in frustration over working with a treatment center, outpatient clinic, detox or the like.  The conversation goes something like this, “They’ve asked for speakers, but I can never get them to return my calls or emails to coordinate.”
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Death of a Group

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 2, 2024 10:23:29 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, AA meetings, Recovery Program, Support Group

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There was a group I attended occasionally whenever I felt like I needed an extra meeting.  I joked that the only membership requirement for this group was that you had to have a desire to stop drinking and twenty years of sobriety.  They had about twenty regular members and if you added up the collective sobriety dates of the attendees, they would have had over 400 years of sobriety.  The room was full of old timers, but seldom attracted newcomers.  
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Speaking Truth to Power

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 9, 2024 11:27:48 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, AA meetings, Recovery Program, Support Group

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In the corporate world there is a phrase that is often used when it comes to bringing “bad news” to management.  It is called, “Speaking Truth to Power.” It is a behavior that is expected of all corporate officers. It is the idea that management and senior executives can sometimes be oblivious, for a variety of reasons, to problems within the organization. Thus, it is the moral and ethical obligation of the juniors, subordinates, and peers of the organization to speak up and say something if they believe there is a serious problem within the organization. It is a sound philosophy and one that is grounded in the principle of acting for and on behalf of the greater good. This philosophy and behavior is also a sound principle of recovery.  
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Selfish Sponsorship

[fa icon="calendar'] May 30, 2024 4:18:24 PM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, AA meetings, Recovery Program, Support Group

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“You have to get involved in service. You have to get involved in service. You have to get involved with service.” The phrase seemed to echo off the walls of our meeting room.  Well intentioned recovery members repeated the phrase incessantly to me in my early sobriety.  And much to their credit I did get involved and I did stay sober.  Afterall, they told me, “nothing will so much ensure our immunity from the first drink as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when all else fails.”  
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Make 2024 the Year to Get SMART

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 10, 2024 9:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in alcohol addiction, Recovery, Drug Rehab, Support Group, higher power

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In the early days of January, it is easy to make progress on New Year’s resolutions, but by the time we reach the end of the month, many of us have abandoned our resolutions for 2025. This year, instead of making a resolution, how about making a SMART Goal?  In this way if you have an off week or two, we can always climb back on the train to your intended destination.

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Holiday Tips for Families

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 15, 2023 12:39:25 PM / by Sherry Gaugler-Stewart posted in alcohol addiction, Recovery, Drug Rehab, Family Sober Support, Alcohol & Health, Support Group

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December often raises many questions for family members who have a loved one active in an addiction – or a loved one early in recovery.  It can be difficult to know how to support our loved one.  Below are a few simple tips.

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September is National Recovery Month – “Recovery is for Everyone”

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 1, 2023 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in alcohol addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, AA meetings

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Every September, the nation comes together to recognize National Recovery Month.  While the leaves are turning and the crispness of autumn is in the air, Recovery Month beckons us to bring awareness to the ever-growing recovery community. More than just an annual observance, National Recovery Month represents a powerful opportunity for lowering stigma and increasing recovery options through cooperation and collaboration.

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"Love & Service": Ignite the Flame of Recovery Through Service

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 29, 2023 8:00:00 AM / by John Curtiss posted in alcohol addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, AA meetings

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Dear Alumni and Friends of The Retreat,

Are you seeking to deepen your connection to your recovery journey? Do you wish to experience the transformative power of selflessness and compassion? Look no further - we invite you to embrace the incredible benefits of service in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and join us in spreading the light of recovery in our community.

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6 Ways of Dealing with Triggers in Recovery

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 28, 2023 3:57:00 AM / by Staff Blog posted in 12 Steps, Recovery, Drug Rehab, Family Sober Support, Drug Addiction

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An individual's recovery from alcohol or drug addiction depends heavily on triggers. A trigger is an internal or external stimulus that triggers cravings or emotional responses associated with substance abuse. In order for individuals to achieve long-term sobriety, identifying triggers is crucial. In this article, we hope to shed light on identifying and dealing with triggers in recovery.

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