
Speaking Truth to Power

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 9, 2024 11:27:48 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, AA meetings, Recovery Program, Support Group

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In the corporate world there is a phrase that is often used when it comes to bringing “bad news” to management.  It is called, “Speaking Truth to Power.” It is a behavior that is expected of all corporate officers. It is the idea that management and senior executives can sometimes be oblivious, for a variety of reasons, to problems within the organization. Thus, it is the moral and ethical obligation of the juniors, subordinates, and peers of the organization to speak up and say something if they believe there is a serious problem within the organization. It is a sound philosophy and one that is grounded in the principle of acting for and on behalf of the greater good. This philosophy and behavior is also a sound principle of recovery.  
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Selfish Sponsorship

[fa icon="calendar'] May 30, 2024 4:18:24 PM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, AA meetings, Recovery Program, Support Group

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“You have to get involved in service. You have to get involved in service. You have to get involved with service.” The phrase seemed to echo off the walls of our meeting room.  Well intentioned recovery members repeated the phrase incessantly to me in my early sobriety.  And much to their credit I did get involved and I did stay sober.  Afterall, they told me, “nothing will so much ensure our immunity from the first drink as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when all else fails.”  
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The Plain Language Big Book is Falling

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 30, 2024 10:03:05 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Big Book, Recovery Program

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When I was growing up, I learned about Chicken Little who ran around telling everyone that the “Sky is Falling!”  The point of the story was to teach young children not to put too much stock in absurd beliefs*. I was reminded of this story when I read all the social media chatter about the new Plain Language Big Book that has been approved for publishing by AA World Services.  
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What are the Benefits of a Holistic Approach to Drug Dependency Recovery for Men?

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 1, 2024 9:59:55 AM / by Staff Blog posted in Drug Rehab, Recovery Program, Drug Addiction

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Men usually think of traditional therapy programs first when they think of rehab. They mostly cover segments like one-on-one, group, and family therapy. Even though these are important parts of rehab, people also benefit from other services. A holistic approach to drug dependency recovery for men can help those who are using drugs, for instance.

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10 Essential Steps for Holistic Addiction Recovery for Men

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 20, 2023 3:03:00 AM / by Staff Blog posted in Drug Rehab, Recovery Program, Drugs Adiction, Drug Addiction

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The journey of overcoming addiction is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It's absolutely important to address the specific needs and challenges of the recovery process, regardless of gender. Today, we will explore the essential steps toward achieving holistic addiction recovery for men.

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Alcohol Use Disorder Symptoms: Recognizing and Understanding the Signs

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 28, 2023 10:24:00 PM / by Staff Blog posted in Recovery, Recovery Program, Alcohol & Health

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Are you or someone you know struggling with excessive alcohol consumption? Are you uncertain about whether it qualifies as a disorder? You've come to the right place for knowledge on this matter! Here, we'll discuss and learn about alcohol use disorder symptoms and more.

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Navigating the Holidays Happy, Joyous and Free

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 30, 2022 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism, Recovery Program, Alcohol & Health, Treatment Program

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The holidays may be “the most wonderful time of the year”, but for those new in recovery they can be fraught with stress and worry. In this article we’ll talk about how a person in recovery can navigate the holidays season while remaining clean and sober, happy, joyous, and free.

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November is National Gratitude Month

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 9, 2022 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 step program, Recovery Program, Alcohol & Health, Treatment Program

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Did you know that November is National Gratitude Month? We often hear within the rooms of recovery that it’s important to have an attitude of gratitude, but why all this emphasis on gratitude? Why is it so important to our mental, physical, and spiritual health?

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"Fall Back, But Don't Fall Back"

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 5, 2022 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Big Book, Recovery Program, Alcohol & Health, Treatment Program

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Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 6, 2022, at 2:00 A.M. On Saturday night, clocks are set back one hour (i.e., gaining one hour). This has come to be known as “Fall Back." This event has become part of the fall routine and one which sleep deprived individuals like this blogger look forward to very much.

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Preserving Our Unity

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 31, 2022 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 Steps, Recovery Program, Alcohol & Health, Treatment Program

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In sobriety we build new connections to ourselves, our families, and our communities. In our meetings we embrace all who have “a desire to stop drinking” to our tables. Healthy groups lower barriers to sobriety by creating inclusive spaces and meetings. Healthy groups broaden their understanding of what recovery means for people with different experiences.

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