I read in the Wall Street Journal about Artificial Intelligence software programs now doing therapy for mental illness. With a bit of exploration, I found that A.I is also treating addiction. I am skeptical that A.I. will be a successful approach to treating a disease that we know to be “cunning, baffling, and powerful”.
John MacDougall

His book, “Being Sober and Becoming Happy” is available from Amazon.com
Recent Posts
Will Artificial Intelligence be a good substitute for AA or NA?
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 4, 2025 8:51:00 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, AA meetings, Recovery Program, Treatment Program
We Are Human Souls
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 8, 2025 8:34:10 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, AA Big Book, Recovery Program
One of my favorite writers is David Brooks, who writes a column for the New York Times. He normally writes about politics, government, and public affairs. I was surprised to find a column last month about faith. His title was “The Shock of Faith, It’s Nothing Like I Thought It Would Be.” It was published on December 19, 2024, and if you have access to the New York Times website, you can read it there.
Thanksgiving: Counting Blessings, Overcoming the Past
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 20, 2024 9:13:09 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, 12 Steps, Recovery Program
“We thank God, from the bottom of our heart, that we know Him better.”
---Alcoholics Anonymous, page 75.
There is No Situation So Bad That A Few Drinks Can’t Totally Screw It Up
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 1, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by John MacDougall posted in AA Big Book, Recovery Program, Alcohol & Health, COVID-19
At the beginning of April 2020, I’m writing this blog at home. I am on a leave of absence from The Retreat due to the Covid-19 virus. I’m not sick, but I’m in the ‘high risk group”. I’m 71 years old and have long term asthma that is easily activated. My wife, Priscilla, who almost never gets sick, may have had an incredibly short case of this disease. She ran a fever for less than a day, she was confused, had aches and pains, and slept. In one day, it was gone. She’s 81 years old.
Keeping Our Focus On Sobriety
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 4, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by John MacDougall posted in alcoholism, 12 step program, Recovery, AA meetings
I’m writing this on a morning in March when the news media is full of coronavirus, or Covid-19 stories. Today’s Star-Tribune newspaper reports that the Costco store near The Retreat is out of toilet paper and won’t have any more for five days. They are also out of hand sanitizer, plastic gloves, and bleach wipes. The food aisles are decimated, as well, with non-perishables in short supply. It isn’t a full and complete panic, but it is certainly a lot of anxiety for a state that has no known cases of the virus.
Intensive Work With Other Alcoholics
[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 5, 2020 9:00:07 AM / by John MacDougall posted in substance abuse, 12 steps of aa, AA Big Book, Older Adult Recovery Programs, Drugs Adiction
One of the difficulties I have with staying sober is that I like to drink. I also like my drugs: Valium, Percodan, and other opiates, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates. For me, drinking and drugging is forever natural. Being clean and sober is forever unnatural. Even though my sobriety date is July 4, 1989, and I have been sober for 11,173 days, a day at a time, sobriety has never become natural for me. I rely on the “Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous and I do what it says to do.
How Treatment Becomes a Part of Our Disease
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 3, 2020 1:04:48 PM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, substance abuse, AA meetings, Sober Housing, alcohol abuse, AA Big Book
Step One of Alcoholics Anonymous tells me that I am powerless over alcohol when I drink it. Step One of Al-Anon tells me that I am powerless over alcohol when other people drink it, or when other people want to drink it. Both treatment programs, and The Retreat (which is not a treatment program) are powerless over alcohol and addiction when the people in them want to drink.
Gratitude and Resentment
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 5, 2019 8:00:00 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, Older Adult Recovery Programs
In the early 1970’s I drove a taxi in New York City. The fare meters were mechanical, not electronic. They were driven by two moving cables. One cable measured time, and the other measured distance. Whichever cable moved faster drove the fare. If the cab was stuck in traffic, the fare still went up, driven by the “waiting time”. If the cab was moving briskly, the meter went up, pushed along by the distance driven. That image comes to mind when I think of gratitude and resentment.
“A Real Man in Beverly Hills”
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 7, 2019 6:00:00 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 step program, AA meetings, 12 steps of aa, Older Adult Recovery Programs
It’s Friday, November 1st, and I took the day off. I flew with my wife, Priscilla to Los Angeles. This fall I joined “The Magic Castle” in Hollywood. It is a private club in a castle, located in the Hollywood Hills. I sponsor a 94 year old psychologist who lives in California, and he both introduced me to the Magic Castle, and sponsored me for membership.
We’re As Sober As Our Driving
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 6, 2019 12:37:42 PM / by John MacDougall posted in Recovery, Sober Housing, alcohol abuse, AA Big Book, Alcohol & Health