
Spring into Sobriety

[fa icon="calendar"] Mar 9, 2022 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan

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On March 1st, meteorological spring started. On March 13th at 2 am, we will spring forward. And on March 20th we will experience equal amounts of sunshine and darkness as we usher in the spring equinox. Shakespeare wrote in his play Julius Caesar to, “Beware the Ides of March.” But from this author’s perspective, it looks like spring has finally spung and that’s a good thing.

Now that the days are getting longer and warmer, there seems to be a flurry of A.A. activities and events taking place. Taking advantage of A.A. gatherings is crucial in early recovery and is vital to maintaining long-term sobriety. A.A. get-togethers beyond the group have become an established part of A.A. life. What makes an A.A. convention click for its participants is not so much the theme or the location, but the spirit and feeling behind it. As one A.A. commented, “A convention is just a darned good A.A. meeting blown up big.” Just watch enthusiastic members at any A.A. convention and you’ll understand. The atmosphere alone is worth the trip. At A.A. gatherings you’ll find fellowship, fun, laughter, warmth, and understanding. As it says on page 17 in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, “There exists among us a fellowship, a friendliness, and an understanding which is indescribably wonderful.”

“Ok, ok,” you may be thinking, “I’m convinced. I’ll go to a convention. But where do I find them?”

The most comprehensive source for A.A. gatherings both nationally and internationally is the quarterly newsletter printed by A.A.’s General Service Office (GSO) entitled Box 4-5-9. On the final pages of the newsletter, in a section entitled Bulletin Board, you’ll find A.A. gatherings that are two-days or more in length. The latest edition of the newsletter may be accessed at this link: Box 459

Go ahead, take a road-trip. Have a spring break. Spring into sobriety by taking advantage of the many A.A. events, conventions and gatherings that are going on near you. All you have to lose is the winter blues.



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Topics: alcohol addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, AA meetings, Alcoholism Treatment Program

Maj Donovan

Written by Maj Donovan

Maj Donovan is a person in long-term recovery with over four decades of sobriety. He is an author, blogger, lecturer and teaches a monthly workshop at “The Retreat” on the 12 Steps and Sponsorship.

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