I started going to recovery meetings when I was 15. I heard in the meetings, “What the hell are you doing here? I lost my wife, my kids and my job because of my drinking. What the hell did you ever lose?
What is a Real Alcoholic?
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 29, 2024 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, AA Big Book, Recovery Program
Thanksgiving: Counting Blessings, Overcoming the Past
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 20, 2024 9:13:09 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, 12 Steps, Recovery Program
“We thank God, from the bottom of our heart, that we know Him better.”
---Alcoholics Anonymous, page 75.
Learning to Surf
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 13, 2024 10:23:44 AM / by Lisa Speedling posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, women in recovery, Women's Sober Residential, Recovery Program
In early sobriety, it seemed like I didn’t know how I was going to feel in the next five minutes. My mood would swing from happy and grateful, to angry and hopeless, in what seemed like an instant. As I continued through the Retreat’s Outpatient program, I learned more about ways to ride out these huge waves of emotion. As I connected with other people in the program, I was able to talk about my frustrations with feeling my emotions were out of control and learn the different ways they had found balance.
The Process of Healing
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 1, 2024 9:26:36 AM / by DeAnna L. posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, AA meetings, Recovery Program
I have been given the opportunity to be a part of a group participating in what has been named, “The 90 Days Retreat.” It is an online group designed to cover several modules in the areas of self-growth. The first module being all about self-worth. Cue the heavy hitter right off the bat. Self-worth has been something I have struggled with most of my life, like many others out there. I find myself dealing with this idea of self-worth on a regular basis, from the way that I talk to myself and the language I use when I make a mistake let’s say, to the way that I question whether or not I should take a risk on myself and try something new, even as far as to questioning if I truly deserve happiness. This idea of self-worth ties into some similar feelings about shame that many of us in recovery grapple with throughout our journey.
Perfectionism + Procrastination = Paralysis
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 23, 2024 9:26:33 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, AA meetings, Recovery Program
“What a task, I can’t go through with it,” said many a newcomer in recovery. Expectation mitigation is important during early recovery. It’s important to remember that we “eat the elephant one bite at a time.” We apply ourselves every day and we reapply after temporary setbacks. We strive for progress rather than perfection.
Health and Wellness in Addiction Recovery: 8 Dimensions of Wellness and Their Roles
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 6, 2024 5:11:59 AM / by Staff Blog posted in recovery process, Recovery, Recovery Program
Recovery is more than breaking free from addiction; it’s about reclaiming a healthier, more balanced life. Wellness in addiction recovery plays a crucial role when the focus is on rebuilding one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Staying sober is not the only solution. Growing and thriving in every aspect of life is also important.
The Retreat celebrates 25 years opening doors to recovery
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 22, 2023 12:09:02 PM / by Staff Blog posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, Support Group, celebration
Innovative center for addiction recovery has served 30,000 individuals and families
June 21, 2023 (WAYZATA, Minn.) – The Retreat, the Wayzata, Minn.-based continuum of care that provides recovery services, programs and community resources to individuals and families dealing with substance use disorder, marks its 25th anniversary on Wednesday, June 21.
Sponsorship and Sober Coaching
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 22, 2023 8:15:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, Recovery, Support Group
What is the difference between sponsorship and sober coaching? Can a person have both? Can a person be both a sober coach and a sponsor?
Pondering Purpose
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 25, 2023 11:00:00 AM / by Connie Lawrence posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, family recovery, alcoholism, Recovery
Yesterday I flew with my daughter to Minneapolis for detox and treatment - an event I could only imagine in a faraway fantasy. She called unexpectedly, after not talking to me for six months, and asked for help with the most desperate of states of heart/mind… begging to either die or get sober.
The Family of Origin Experience
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 19, 2023 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery process, alcoholism, Recovery
I grew up in an alcoholic family. As such I wasn’t imbued with a healthy sense of self. I struggled with issues of low self-esteem. I searched desperately for parental validation and proof that I was loved and worthy. I was a child dealing with a very adult issue. I had two alcoholic parents, and I didn’t have the coping techniques to deal with their alcoholism.