On a recent trip home I got to join my family for their weekly breakfast. The waitress took everyone’s order, and then looked to me for mine. I had no idea what my order would be, as I didn’t have a menu. Everyone else knew everything on the menu! So, when I asked her for one, and she brought it back, I jokingly apologized for being the “problem child” this morning. This was immediately met with another family member stating “I hate to tell you, dear, but you always have been.” Of course, I said I already knew this.
The Problem Child.
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 20, 2017 4:39:33 PM / by Sherry Gaugler-Stewart posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, family recovery, 12 steps of aa, AA Big Book, Drug Rehab
I’d Rather Be A Cause of The Future Than A Result Of The Past.
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 30, 2017 9:30:00 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 steps of aa, AA Big Book, Recovery Program, Drugs Adiction
In a way, we are all the people we have ever been. I am my five year old self, and my fifteen year old self, and my twenty five year old self, as well as the man I am today, at sixty-eight years old. We are, to some extent, the sum of our experiences. We can benefit from all our experiences, or be damaged by them.
Personal Prayer.
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 24, 2017 10:10:34 AM / by Sherry Gaugler-Stewart posted in family recovery, alcoholism, 12 steps of aa, AA Big Book, Family Sober Support
There was a period in my life where I spent most of my time doing one of two things: I was either worrying to extremes, or praying about what I was worrying about. My prayers were desperate. I often prayed “Please let him come home safely.” Sometimes I prayed for something to change. At other times, I would make bargains. I would plea for resolution, and make promises in exchange.
Carrying the Message.
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 19, 2017 9:30:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 step program, AA Big Book, Recovery Program, Support Group
So you’ve been asked to bring a meeting into a facility. Congratulations! What an honor and privilege it is to be involved in service. As it states on page 89 of the book Alcoholics Anonymous:
“To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends--this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives.”
“I Wish I Could Go To The Retreat Without Having To Relapse.”
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 28, 2017 9:16:39 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Sober Housing, AA Big Book, Older Adult Recovery Programs, Men's Sober Residential, Women's Sober Residential
I have heard this wishful thinking many times over the past three years, since I came to work at The Retreat full time in May 2014. Many people who are sober in AA have a sense that their program isn’t all that it could be. They want more, but aren’t sure how to get it. Our Big Book says that it is easy to be vague about the matter of prayer and meditation, and then it goes on to make some “definite and valuable suggestions.” (page 86). The Retreat is all about those “definite and valuable suggestions” that we find in the Big Book.
Seven Steps to Conflict Resolution.
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 14, 2017 9:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, substance abuse, 12 steps of aa, AA Big Book, Recovery Program
2. What other people think of me is none of my business. I have a sponsor and significant others to whom I turn for advice and suggestions. If I try to live my life to appease and please those around me, I become a people pleaser. And there’s an app for people pleasing – it’s called Al-Anon.
My Behavior is My Prayer.
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 7, 2017 10:02:46 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Big Book, Older Adult Recovery Programs, Men's Sober Residential, Women's Sober Residential
Being Sober and Becoming Happy.
[fa icon="calendar'] May 26, 2017 9:00:00 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 steps of aa, AA Big Book, Men's Sober Residential, Women's Sober Residential
In 2013, my wife Priscilla persuaded me to write a book, that I called “Being Sober and Becoming Happy.” I had worked at the Hazelden treatment center for 19 years, as Director of Spiritual Guidance. I did a lot of patient lectures, and had developed a long list of lectures. Priscilla kept saying “You have to write these things down.” I said, “I’m a talker, not a writer.” She kept after me. After about a year, she said “You’re getting old. Eventually you’ll die. All the lectures will be lost. You should write this stuff down.” So, I agreed.
Leadership (LDRSHIP) in Recovery
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 26, 2017 6:04:00 PM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, AA meetings, AA Big Book, 12 Traditions Of AA, Recovery Program
“I Tried To Find An Easier, Softer, Way...and I Did!”
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 3, 2017 5:00:00 AM / by John MacDougall posted in AA meetings, 12 steps of aa, AA Big Book, 12 Traditions Of AA, Recovery Program