You can turn up the heat emotionally. You can turn up the heat physically. But what do you do when your emotional and physical temp are turned up, and you can’t access the reset gauge?
Recovering In the Heat
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 16, 2021 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in 12 Steps, AA meetings, AA Big Book, Alcoholism Treatment Program, Support Group
Financial Sobriety - My Experience, Strength and Hope surrounding Financial Recovery
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 14, 2021 7:32:02 AM / by DeAnna L. posted in women in recovery, AA meetings, alcohol abuse, AA Big Book, Support Group
The Twelve Steps of Sober Living??? We Shall See
[fa icon="calendar'] May 19, 2021 9:15:00 AM / by Lisa G. posted in 12 step program, AA meetings, AA Big Book, Women's Sober Residential, Support Group
While I was still in treatment sober living was “strongly suggested” as the next step in my recovery. I was told that it would put into practice the twelve-step approach to living in a somewhat controlled environment that would benefit my sobriety and my overall spiritual well-being. Believe me I was more than a little bit skeptical that this would in any way, shape, or form benefit me at all. This blog delves into whether they were right or not. We shall see.
Romanticizing the Past
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 30, 2020 7:11:11 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in alcohol addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 step program, AA meetings, AA Big Book, 12 Traditions Of AA, Alcoholism Treatment Program
“By 1937, some of us realized that AA needed a standard literature. There would have to be a book ... Well, we did quarrel violently over the preparation and distribution of that book. In fact, it took five years for the clamor to die down. Should any AAs dream that the old-timers who put the book together went about in serene meditation and white robes, then they had best forget it.” - AA Co-Founder, Bill W., November 1951, “Services Make AA Tick”, The Language of the Heart.
Rule # 62.5
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 2, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in alcohol addiction, 12 step program, AA meetings, alcohol abuse, AA Big Book, Recovery Program
Tis the season to be jolly”, as the age-old song reminds us. In that vein, here are some stories to lift your spirits - Happy Holidays!
An Interview on Recovery with Maj. John G. Donovan, U.S. Army Retired.
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 5, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in alcohol addiction, 12 step program, AA meetings, alcohol abuse, AA Big Book, Recovery Program
Q: How do you define recovery?
A: I consider myself a person in long-term recovery. To me, that means that I haven't had a drink or drug in over 42 years.
Get Healthy - Stay Healthy
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 5, 2020 10:30:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in 12 step program, substance abuse, AA Big Book, Recovery Program, Support Group
National reports estimate over 25 million Americans have a substance use disorder. This includes illicit drugs, prescription medications, and alcohol. In fact, when it comes to alcohol it is estimated that one in eight American adults have an alcohol problem.
A Brief History on the Development of A.A.
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 8, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, AA meetings, 12 steps of aa, AA Big Book, Family Sober Support, Alcoholism Treatment Program
On December 11, 1934, while under treatment at Towns Hospital for alcoholism, Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, experienced a profound and lasting spiritual experience. This intense and life-changing spiritual awakening left Bill with an overwhelming sense of well-being and freed him from his obsession and craving for alcohol. Bill said this about his “hot flash”, “I knew I was a free man”.
A Brief History on Sponsorship
[fa icon="calendar'] May 14, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Maj Donovan posted in 12 Steps, AA meetings, AA Big Book, 12 Traditions Of AA, Support Group
A definition of the word sponsor published at a time when the A.A. program was in its infancy states: “Sponsor - One who assumes, or one to whom is delegated, responsibility for some other person.” Webster, circa - 1936
There is No Situation So Bad That A Few Drinks Can’t Totally Screw It Up
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 1, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by John MacDougall posted in AA Big Book, Recovery Program, Alcohol & Health, COVID-19
At the beginning of April 2020, I’m writing this blog at home. I am on a leave of absence from The Retreat due to the Covid-19 virus. I’m not sick, but I’m in the ‘high risk group”. I’m 71 years old and have long term asthma that is easily activated. My wife, Priscilla, who almost never gets sick, may have had an incredibly short case of this disease. She ran a fever for less than a day, she was confused, had aches and pains, and slept. In one day, it was gone. She’s 81 years old.