Grateful for Addiction?
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 16, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Sherry Gaugler-Stewart posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, family recovery, AA meetings, Family Sober Support, Recovery Program
Embrace Grace
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 5, 2016 11:00:00 AM / by Kara F posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, Drug Rehab, Recovery Program, Chemical Dependency
I’m a big fan of the word grace. Not just because it’s a pretty and hopeful word, but because of the significance it holds in recovery and in life in general.
Recovery and the Man in the Hallway
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 6, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Judge Shaun Floerke posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, AA meetings, Sober Housing, Recovery Program
A Part Of
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 16, 2016 9:31:21 AM / by Jake Lewis posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, AA meetings, Sober Housing, alcohol abuse, Recovery Program
Growing up, I wanted people to like me. I considered it a personal challenge to win people over. And I wanted to feel connected to those people. I was intrigued by spirituality, and how it might make me feel connected, so I would “meditate.” But really I was just getting high, contemplating not my place in the vast continuum, but rather how a fish might have a swordfight with a bee.
A Tale of Two Vacations
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 23, 2016 9:29:34 AM / by John MacDougall posted in Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism, 12 steps of aa, Family Sober Support, Recovery Program
Sobriety makes everything different, but it takes more than just the passage of sober days to bring about change. The idea behind my book, “Being Sober and Becoming Happy” is that first we take the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to get our drinking to stop. Then, if we keep taking those same Twelve Steps, in sobriety, and apply them to everything we do, we end up happy. I’ve had enough time to try this theory out, and to measure the results.
The Acting Out Child – Bad Attention is Better than No Attention
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 15, 2016 11:00:48 AM / by Mark Korman posted in family recovery, alcohol abuse, Family Sober Support, Recovery Program, Chemical Dependency
All children living in homes where addiction is present experience some sort of impact. Some of their reactions are predictable, while some dynamic behavior combinations are completely unique and organic to each child. These reactions are defenses and are all situationally established to create a sense of safety or relief. Claudia Black, Ph.D. and national expert on the Family Disease of Addiction, has researched the patterns of reactions that children experience. She identifies one of these childhood roles as “The Scapegoat”.
God Comes Alive
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 10, 2016 10:00:00 AM / by Dick Rice posted in AA meetings, 12 steps of aa, Recovery Program, Chemical Dependency
Recently in my home group, thanks to a brother’s presentation on the 7th step, I had the awareness of how the Divine comes alive for us as we work through the steps. We come into the community and land on the first step spiritually bankrupt and, for all intents and purposes, functioning atheists. As we climb to the second step, we at least acknowledge our wrongdoing to this Divine Power. On the third step we decide to turn ourselves over to a Higher Power, but only to a caring God, a God who is there for us.
The Coop and The Coconut
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 1, 2016 10:30:00 AM / by Paddy O posted in Recovery, Sober Housing, Men's Sober Residential, Recovery Program, Chemical Dependency
My disease does a great impression of my voice. It’s spot on. It perfectly recreates the long, nasally vowels of my Chicago upbringing, the enthusiastic delivery, the volume, and the cadence.
This masquerade, this dubious transgression of my mind, leads to fear mongering. For me, recovery is no longer about slapping my hand away from the drink or the baggie.
A Contemporary Spin on Defects of Character
[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 8, 2016 11:45:00 AM / by Dick Rice posted in AA meetings, 12 steps of aa, AA Big Book, 12 Traditions Of AA, Recovery Program
I recently had the opportunity to present on Step Six in my home group and I was blessed with a way of presenting Defects of Character that were true to both our tradition and to my personal spirituality at this time.
The Import of Sponsorship
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 13, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Dick Rice posted in Recovery, AA meetings, Recovery Program, help group, Support Group
Have I told you about the sponsor that I am fortunate to have at this time? Well, I will now since I am still deeply touched by our conversation last night.
I was blessed with a wonderful sponsor, George, for years, but then he died four years ago. I grieved him mightily and, after about four months, I realized I was limping along in my recovery without a sponsor. I was finding it easier to skip my home group, easier to breeze through my tenth step at night. I began to pray for the grace to both want a sponsor and to know who that might be. In the quiet of my prayer what I heard was “Bob.”